Problem Gamblers Lawyer
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If you or a family member signed a self-exclusion agreement with the OLGC at any time between December 1, 1999 and February 10, 2005, you are a potential member of this intended class action and your rights may be affected by the proceeding.

If you register with the intended class action, we will provide you with direct notice by mail (to the address you provide) if the class action is certified. We may also contact you for further information pertaining to your potential claim.

To register online, Please fill up the form below:

First name : *
Last Name : *
Address :
Home Phone No : *
E-mail Address : *
Self-exclusion Date : (mm/dd/yyyy)
Self-exclusion Location :
Your Question to Us :

If you are registering as a family member of a self-excluded gambler under Section 61 of the Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. F.3 Please, check the box and indicate your relationship (Parent, Grandparent, Sibling, Spouse or Child):

Family Member:


Fields marked with * are mandatory.

To register by telephone, Please Contact Us

As an alternative to on-line/telephone registration, please click, print, complete and fax to (Attention: H. Fancy) at 905-737-5211.

NOTE: Your complete and accurate contact information is important to enable you to receive direct notice by mail if the class action is certified. If your contact information changes at any time after your register, please let us know as soon as possible. To update your contact information, Click here.